Paul H. Carr's Landscape Photographs Depicting Natural Splendor with Poetry and Thoreau Wisdom
The purpose of playing is to hold….the mirror up to nature. (Hamlet, iii.2,24)
1. Ice melting on Walden Pond. "Water indeed reflects Heaven." (Thoreau}
2. Walden's Early Fall Ripeness. "Color stands for all ripeness and success." (Thoreau)
3. Walden's Western Window, January 29, 2002. "And then the damask curtains glow along the western window"
4. Heavenly Reflections, Lake Eden, VT
5. Morning Reflections, Lake Eden, VT. "He leadeth me beside the still waters." (Psalm 23)
6. Morning Mist, Lake Eden, 10 x 14, $99
7. Mt Hadley's Image in Lake Eden, 8 x 10
8. New Hampshire's Fall Mirror. "Water, by reason of its transparency and limpidness, is the mirror of bodies - of physical etres, so also is truth equally the mirror of ideas." (Thoreau)
9. Fawn Lake Mirror. "My nature may be as still as this water, but not so pure." (Thoreau ) 8 x 13, $125.
10. December's Heart, Fawn Lake, Bedford, MA
11. Stillness. "A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth's eye,
looking into which the beholder measures the depth
of his own nature." " (Thoreau)
12. "I Will Lift Mine Eyes to the Hills:" Mt Ascutney, VT from St.Gaudens
13. "Sheep May Safely Graze:" Pinnacle, Richford, VT (with Paul H. Carr's Sonnet "The Summit.") 9x13. $99
14. Winter Light, "Lulled by the gentle window
light, My wandering thoughts have taken flight."
T. Sherman,
5 x 7, $49
15. Christmas Moon 1958: Ipswich Methodist Church, 5.5 x 9.5 (Kodachrome Enlargement (1))
16. "He Restoreth my Soul:" Wooden Gothic Congregational Church, Ipswich, Burned 1965.(Kodachrome (1) )
17. Harbor Peace, Marblehead. 4x6in. $49
18. Star Island NH Sunset. "Now the day is over, night is drawing neigh." 6 x 14
19. Paul H. Carr exhibiting in the Hendrick Gallery
20. Jacob among Violets: "How like an angel came I down!
"How bright are all things here!
When first among His works I did appear
O how their glory me did crown!" ( Thomas Traherne)
21. Abigail among Violets: "Three years she grew in sun and shower,
"Then Nature said: 'A lovlier flower
On earth was never sown.' " (Wordsworth)
22. I Like Chess (1)
23. "Rain which produces freshness" "We can never have enough of nature. We must be refreshed by the sight of inexhaustible vigor…the thunder cloud, and the rain which last three weeks and produces freshness." (Thoreau)
24. I love my kitty
25. I love apples
26. Alpine Sunset: Matterhorn
"Drop Thy still dews of quiteness,
Till all our strivings cease,
Take from our souls the strain and stress
And let our ordered lives confess,
The beauty of Thy peace." (John Greenleaf Whittier, 1872)
27. Skiing the Matterhorn
28. Skiing below the Eiger, 5x7 in, $ 49 (1)
29. Sailing Magens Bay, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
"The sea-shore is a sort of neutral ground, a most advantageous point from which to contemplate this world." (Thoreau)
30. Snorkeling among "Men of War" (1), Nassau, Bahamas
31. Evening Silhouette, Grand Cayman Island, British West Indies
-Use as Wallpaper and Art on you PC
To order the CD Mirror of Nature,
send a check for $11 (which includes
the cost of mailing ) payable to
Paul H. Carr
Air Force Research Laboratory
80 Scott Drive
Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-2909
(1) Epson Ink Jet ColorLife Photo Paper